2 guy's best reasons for moving back to Charm City...and other stuff too!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hey Milwaukee, learn how to tell the world you set a record
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Goodbye Summer, Hello BLOG!
Monday, July 26, 2010
My "Inception" Review.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
O's grounds crew falls over and under tarp. Sums up their season nicely!
In the land of the Orioles, when it rains, it pours. This video pretty much sums up the O's season, and it doesn't even involve any players. The worst part of this whole scenario, which is wildly amusing, is that not one donkey on the grounds crew thinks to move the tarp backwards to get the kid out. Instead they all just look on while a guy attempts to pull him out from under the tarp like he just got his legs blown off in Vietnam. I'm pretty sure that is the first lesson in tarp rolling 101. If person gets stuck under tarp, move tarp off person.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Baltimoron of the week: Andres Alonzo
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Baltimoron of the week: Dale E. Beecher
Thought of the day

The thought is small
The guitar player for Train which brings you the song "Hey, Soul sister" is Howie Mandel.
Here is your proof.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Top 5.5 restaurants in Parkville (Well in my book)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Orioles Rant...
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Best Show You Aren't Watching
Warren the Ape on MTV. It might sound like a joke, and I admit, I stopped watching MTV sometime after they took Korn's "Freak on a Leash" off of TRL. But this show might bring the network back to relevancy with anyone over the age of 12, or anyone not interested in 16 year olds being pregnant. I mean, look at that picture. Nothing can make me laugh more than a talking ape in a helmet(?) hooked on sex and booze trying to go through rehab with Dr. Drew. On a side note, it appears as Dr. Drew really doesn't care about helping real people anymore and is looking for a buck anywhere he can get it. Hey it's Hollywood, what else would you expect. But seriously, this might be my only reason for owning a tv right now.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Baltimoron of the week: Man gets shot escaping from jail, hours before his release.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Nothing to do with baltimore
The Wildest Saturday Night This Side of The Double Deuce...
So I don't know how to begin to classify went down on Saturday. It is somewhere between what I love about this town(and a huge reason I love living back in Baltimore) and holy shit get me the hell out of this town. So we'll just say it was a night that won't soon be forgotten.
It all started with another great performance by The Real Quaid at Dick's Famous Halfway Inn in Rosedale, Hon! Now if you haven't been to Dick's, I would't tell you go run out there and see it now like I say of Andy Nelson's, or other local joints detailed soon, but if you love part biker bar, part ocean paradise, part sports bar?, part only place where The Real Quaid can get a gig, and part uncooked chicken fingers, this is your place! Wait, don't go there yet, read the rest of this blog first. So anyway, The Real Quaid won the audience over much like The "Good Ole Blue Brothers Boys Band" with Steve's infamous 4th verse to "Before He Cheats." It looked pretty much like this...
With the audience in a frenzy, however, tensions started to flare, fists started flying, some big dude hit the deck, barstools became weapons, and well, you can probably read the police report for the rest. Now I don't know all the details, but let's just said a dude was getting his face stomped by the bartender, two "ladies" were put in choke-holds, and through it all, the band played on. At this point, no one left at Dick's was watching the band play anymore as the cops showed these monsters some cuffs and the back seat. But I can't say I cared too much, because the view from behind the drum kit was pure Baltimore at it's best! Did I ever expect my band to be playing the background noise to someone's trip to jail? No. Did I ever expect a huge brawl at Dicks? Yes! Should have seen that one coming I guess.
Dick's Halfway Inn looked pretty much like the Double Deuce from the movie Roadhouse Saturday night. Ok, maybe not that bad, but I'm glad I was there. At least I think so. You can probably go see for yourself this Saturday, or any other...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Adding to the day.

Best Lunch Around: Andy Nelson's
So when you wake up in the morning, and the kids are crying, there are frying pans in your bathtub and the front-yard reeks uncontrollably of bulldog doo, you know its time to get out of the house. (disclaimer: we do not have any kids of our own) Our best option to bide our time was lunch at Andy Nelson's BBQ on York Road in Cockeysville. Now Andy Nelson's is no secret to most people around the area as it is featured in nearly every best of magazine for barbecue. It's no joke either. With a perfect homemade barbecue sauce, selections from pulled pork, pulled turkey, beef brisket, great potato salad, cornbread and other fixin's, Nelson's is a must for lunch! Not to mention it has tons of seating and no rush service to get you, it is perfect when you need to get out of the house for say... 4 hours!