Thursday, July 1, 2010

Baltimoron of the week: Man gets shot escaping from jail, hours before his release.

Baltimore: David Newton, on home detention awaiting trial on drug and burglary charges, had an opposite course. He would leave his home to go to work inside the jail, and would then return to his house at the end of the day, as a condition of his pre-trial release. So prison officials were perplexed Wednesday afternoon when they said the 19-year-old Newton, who was not cuffed or shackled, ran from correctional officers who were escorting him to the laundry room at the Baltimore City Detention Center. Authorities said Newton scaled one fence and was climbing over a second along East Monument Street when a correctional officer shot him twice in the leg. He was only hours away from the end of his shift, at which point he would have climbed into a prison van and been driven home. "He woke up in his own bed, and he could've gone back to his own bed tonight," said Rick Binetti, a spokesman for the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. Binetti stressed that extenuating circumstances could have prompted Newton to bolt — an open warrant, perhaps, or fear that he'd be locked up on another charge. But as of Wednesday evening, Newton's reasons for running remained a mystery.

Today we introduce the newest segment to the blog: The Baltimoron of the Week. We will give you the week's biggest idiot from Charm City be it athlete, celebrity, blogger, friends of blogger, or regular schmuck like we have today. There isn't a better candidate for our inaugural issue than David Newton. Homeboy was on work release, meaning he gets to go home every night, eat some lake trout, watch the O's lose, and sleep in his own bed. Sure he is working in a jail everyday, but who doesn't think their 9-5 is basically a jail cell every Monday-Friday?? (for the record, I'm writing this from the only backyard beach in Parkville, more on that to come later) Anyway, this donkey had it coming. I'm guessing whoever he was living with at home wouldn't shut the hell up, and made him want back behind bars. But he didn't have to get shot in the process. Here's to you, our first Baltimoron of the Week, David Newton.

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